A unique community in Portola Valley
The Land
In 1947 when Jesse E. Hayes subdivided part of the Ormondale Ranch into homesites of a minimum of two and a half acres each, he established the Westridge community's respect for the native landscape and commitment to open space. Stretching across the southern limits of Stanford's Jasper Ridge, the Westridge Community provides spacious homesites that are subordinate to the beautiful natural surroundings. In developing building sites, owners have avoided benching or grading of the land in an effort to create a level site, but rather have stepped the structures to fit into the hillsides. The large lots and generous sense of open space combined with native trees and old ranch planting give an informal landscape and rural look to the community. Learn more about Westridge history
The Protective Restrictions
All owners have accepted restrictions on their use of the land for the common good of this rural community and have vested the maintenance of these restrictions with the elected members of the Westridge Architectural Supervising Committee. Learn more about Westridge governance
The Trail System
Over ten miles of private hiking and riding trails exist in Westridge. Trails exist on easements and over rights-of-way on private lots. The trail system is maintained by the Westridge Architectural Supervising Committee. Learn more about Westridge trails
The Architectural Character
Contributing to the unique quality of the Westridge Community is the architecture of the individual homes. There is no single accepted style but rather a common denominator of rural character and structures subordinate to the natural landscape that makes this diversity work together visually.
Homes are kept low to the ground in scale. Few two-story homes exist and most are stepped into hillsides and are not highly visible. Houses make wide use of natural materials. Sharp color contrasts with the natural contours of the land and environment have been avoided. No white roofs mar the views.
Noticeable along all streets is the lack of pretension among the homes. The houses do not impose on the landscape. Generous open spaces help to harmonize the variety of architectural designs. Learn more about building & planning in Westridge
Landscape Design
Most residents emphasize the use of native plants and trees. Extensive green lawns and water intensive landscaping are avoided. Property lines are often not emphasized or delineated. Fences, walls and border landscaping are unobtrusive.