10 miles of natural beauty in the heart of Portola Valley
Westridge trail overview
Westridge features 10 miles of hiking and riding trails located on easements and over rights-of-way on private land. Our trails provide an opportunity for outdoor recreation and relaxation for those who wish to explore them.
The trails are maintained for your enjoyment. Whether residents walk, jog, or ride on the trails, we all enjoy the vistas and visual charm that the trail setbacks provide.
Trail usage and etiquette
Trails are to be used exclusively by pedestrians, equestrians, and animals. Bicycles are not permitted on Westridge trails, nor are motorized vehicles.
Please do not park in our trail easements and ensure that your guests, gardeners, and contractors don’t either. Forcing equestrians, hikers, or joggers to walk in the street around vehicles should be avoided.
Please be respectful of all trail users and take appropriate care not to startle horses.
Trail easements
All of the roads within Westridge have a 10-15 foot deeded trail easement on both sides of the town right-of-way. The town right-of-way is 70 feet on Westridge Road and 50 or 60 feet on other roads in the community.
The combination of easements and right-of-way creates a 15-25 foot strip of land dedicated to nature and trails on either side of all our roads.
Trail standards & maintenance
The ideal trail should be at least 4 feet wide for comfort of walking and distance from poison oak, with a 10-foot overhead clearance.
In case a trail crosses a homeowner’s driveway, the surface must be roughened so that trail users (especially horses) will not slip.
WASC performs regular maintenance to keep our trails usable. Please contact us to report issues or volunteer to assist with repairs, trimming back overgrowth, or clean up.
Trail map (shows both Westridge and Portola Valley town trails)